I've come across some great cartoons recently dealing with issues close to my heart. Artists have covered issues with an audacity and growing courage seldom manifested in the past, denouncing Zionist ongoing crimes in Palestine, depicting the absurdity of the Iraq occupation and praising liberation and resistance struggles everywhere.
But the one artist who caught my eyes most is the Brazilian, freelance cartoonist, Carlos Latuff.
Samples of his work were published throughout the internet and the American scholar Norman G. Finkelstein hosts a series of samples of Carlos' cartoons on his official website.
According to another website, allegedly Carlos' official blog, the artist is inviting "Arab newspapers and magazines to reproduce [his] cartoons free of charge in order to reach Arab audience whom do not speak English and have no Internet access." Apparently, it is catching fire with the cartoons starting to appear in many Arab magazines and newspapers.
The website also claims that "[it] was visited by the U.S. Department of Defence Network Information Center, while searching for 'Carlos Latuff' on Google." They might be doing something right then!... So for anybody reading this, please reproduce and communicate latuff's work.
> Other Artists:
Equally talented and a friend of this blog, is the Belgian cartoonist and journalist, Ben Heine. His work can be found on his blog here.
Khalid Bendib, who speaks courageously to power and greed.
Anis Hamadeh, the accomplished artist who committed himself to beautifully preserve the Palestinian memory.
And many more: look at the Photo/Cartoon section of this blog.
Pictures are Courtesy of Carlos Latuff.
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